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harry richard

another name for a hairy cock, also can be used as a fake name when prank calling someone

Hey check out Harry Richard!
"whose that??"
Ughh... you're disgusting!!

by Harry richard the third May 6, 2008

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The act of staying at college over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring vacations, just like Harry did for every vacation.

Roommate: Hey, are you going home for Thanksgiving break?

You: Nah, plane tickets are too expensive. I'm Harry-Pottering it this time.

by collegium September 26, 2011

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Is usually known as an obese person, or someone overweight,

Is also know as a person, somtimes female that is attractive but is on the 'chunky' side.

Hey Leavo, check out that chunky-harris over the road,

Leavo: "My god size ont hamstrings ont cunt!"

by Tom_0d October 9, 2007

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Harry Pearce

A man, usually doesn't know his dad very well, and is known for wearing questionable fashion, such as a Sabaton Jumper or Vapor95 Hoodies. Their face resembles a UK plug socket.

"Mate what the fuck is he wearing"
"Don't know fam, looks like Harry Pearce"

by xXx_Chicken_Produce_xXX November 17, 2018

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Harry Brown

Harry Brown is amazing. He is the best friend and boyfriend anyone could ask for. He always knows how to make me laugh when I'm at my lowest. I don't know what I'd do without him. I love calling him and playing Xbox with him. I love hanging out with him in and out of school. I love waffling on to him about random stuff he probably doesn't even care about. I love how he doesn't complain when I sing too loud on call or am being so rude. I love how he apologizes for only a minor inconvenience he didn't even mean to do. I love Harry Brown with all my heart and soul. <3

No one could ever be more amazing and as perfect as Harry Brown.

by Amelie69 August 14, 2022

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Harry Nutts

A freaking awesome person.

Doug: Look! It's Harry Nutts!
John: Yeah, my ex-wife had sex with him...

Cynthia: Look! It's Harry Nutts!
Lisa: Oh my god, I want his dick inside me NOW.

by Harry Nutts September 17, 2012

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Hail Harry

When you drop your pants and start masturbating when someone you're trying to hook up with goes into another room temporarily. When they re-enter, it is standard procedure to say, "can I get a hand with this" or "like what you see?" This move only works 3% of the time on women and should not be attempted by self-respecting people. However, this move works 100% of the time on men if the woman is under 150 pounds.

I was on my way home last night and I totally pulled a Hail Harry on this chick I was trying to get hook up with. Sucked though, she totally left and I still have to see her now on our softball, basketball, and volleyball team. I'll txt her though just to see if she changed her mind. Offer is still on the table or in my hand...

by Chrispy Fries & Kenny Chesney February 22, 2012

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