jane france is a very competitive woman in terms of beauty but she is very smart, talented and helpful to the family, she is afraid especially of ghosts, she loves to watch dramas but education is still a priority
heyy Jane france hope you become a very successful someday
A God. They're are perfect in every way. That have nothing wrong with them.
Oh look at her, she's a Maire-jane. I want to be like her.
Jane Mcglinn is my best friend and I would do anything for her. I love her so much and she is the sweetest most amazing person. But I’m better than her at just dance.
Jane Mcglinn is the best
The best old tiktoker known ever she loves her hubby Dicky and they make such a great couple!!!
Jane Jones Jenkins loves her husband Dicky!
Sydney Jane Bailey is the full name of a woman. She is very intelligent, caring, and not to mention sexy. Sydney is a beautiful young woman who loves animals, and helping people. She is extremely creative, and will be extramly successful in her career, considering she is so persuasive. Sydney Jane Bailey loves the arts, for example music, poetry, painting, drawing, etc. Sydneys friends typically call sydney by her middle/ last name, especially considering all her names sound like first names. Sydney is a dreamer, and loves romance novels, but prefers magical books. She loves to read, and always daydreams about a better life. Sydney prefers to live in her own world of perfection, which is a huge problem to get work done sometimes. But Sydney always pulls through eventually to help everybody she can. She in French means wealthy, and she knows she will be one day, but will start off a bit rickety. Sydney is unique and a hard kind of person to find. If you ever have the chance to love a sydney Jane bailey, keep her! She will always love you back, no matter what.
Jeez, its time to give sydney Jane Bailey a promotion! She's going places. What a lovely girl.
Leirene Jane - Was a loving girl, she cares all the person who's closed to her, she's kind and patient but dangerous if mad, she hates people who are fake, Leirene Jane wants to marry K.D.M.T. in the future, Leirene Jane is soon to be a doctor, she loves tulips she was the girl that can go to the flow and a shy type of person she hates camera and mirror, Leirene Jane still waiting for her mom to comeback.
(verb) Is the act of a certain Daydreamer to be able to fuck her boi.
Day: I'm gonna be janing all night with you Jay~ uwu