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Can mean many things, but most commonly used when a girl has a not particularly good looking face but a good body, so she is still fuckable.

1: "State of her"
2: "yeah but she's juicy"

by khalessi June 20, 2014


Some fat kid from Egypt

Juicy draws well

by Moffffflol May 22, 2021


When you take the greatest fart of your life and the only thing you can say is that it was super JUICY.

Oh that was a hella juicy one oof

by Big girl with a big ass36 April 13, 2019


Mouthwatering content idea that all parties involved are excited about.

This idea is really juicy. I can't wait to create it!

by k_vo February 1, 2022


one who is juicy is full of life,
brimming with the juice of life,
adventurous, courageous loving the experience of being here
a juicy life is a life full of joy, and adventure

Gee that was a juicy ride. Your life is so full of juice and I envy you. You are one juicy mother man.

by Italian Joe December 7, 2015


Calvin Trinh

Calvin you so juicyyyyyyy.

by Young Boozer November 6, 2019


Information that has substance enough to actually stay online for.


by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd August 3, 2020