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Something that doesn't exists.

I don't believe in logic

by Ellumous8 March 25, 2015


Logic, that is, rationality, is the sequential unfolding of Reality, resulting from the tension between noumenal Reality as it is in-itself and Appearance, finite Reality mediated by a Consciousness. This unfolding takes the form of a dialectical progression.

This Dialectic has three, distinct stages:

1. thesis ( the thesis is nothing else than the indeterminate, positive beginning of the dialectical process; the tension mentioned above results in a contradiction. The latter can only be overcome by transcending (opposing) the thesis. )
2. antithesis ( The antithesis is the positing of the sublation (determinate negation) of the thesis )
3. synthesis ( “divergent thinking”; here, the linear dialectical progression stops, and the contradiction which the thesis was in-itself becomes explicit. The thesis lets go of the contradictions in which it was caught up )

All Logical Patterns have their origin in this dialectical progression, and are either a Thesis, Antithesis or Synthesis.

The Logic-ality of Reality is the condition of the possibility of the existence of Patterns.

by endomorphosis January 10, 2021


Another Word For Biracial.

What's up logic?

by Kasperaugust May 19, 2020


The common knowlage of knowing what to do in any situation based on one's morals and/or knowledge.

"More people need logic"

by Infinite Digits December 17, 2017


When Tyler Williams sucks a bunch of cocks and gargles down the jizz.

Look at that homo Tyler explaining his logic...

by Imnottherealbob June 11, 2019


Definition of biracial

Jhon: did you know logic was biracial

Me:Noooo (in a sarcastic way)

by Red mannn January 24, 2022


a science that makes you want to kill yourself. it is so weird and stupid that no one can understand it.

I hate logic, its as bad as Nicki Minaj's song massive attack.

by the philosopher October 17, 2021