When a man sticks his dick into a hot potato and then two 500 pound women wearing military boots stomp on the potato.
My dick was DESTROYED last night because of that Manhattan Mashed Potato.
A vile, ungodly creation with no equal. The ultimate torture weapon of suburban mother's who don't like to peel potatoes or work late. A plague upon suburbia that leaves only hungry children and carnage in it's wake. A "food" dish from hell itself which can both lacerate the inside of your mouth with water-resistant flakes and also dribble out your mouth as you choke on it and beg for the gentle release of death. Generally, they're pretty terrible. Can be used to great effect in soups if you're allergic to flour though.
"Sweetie, I made instant mashed potatoes to go with dinner."
"Fuck you. I'm going out for Thai food. Eat that crap yourself."
super smashed, drunk beyond all healthy limits
Did you see Chenier on the golf course yesterday? SU-MASHED!
A vegetable(Or severely autistic person) who just ate shit.
"Bro did you see that autistic kid fall?"
"Yeah, His ass is mashed potatoes"
Slur. A derogatory term used to describe a homosexual who receives anal fornication frequently and subsequently their anus is mashed out like potatoes.
“that pofta fucks every man… he’s definitely a mashed potato”
Mashed potatoes is your brain when you’ve smoked too much weed and you forget random shit. Or when you just feel dumb.
You: Where tf are my keys?!
Me: Where’d you leave it last?
You: idk
Me: Mashed potatoes, smoke some more!
Typically made with Yukon gold potatoes for best result.
He made me mashed potatoes with dinner the other night.