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kissing the homies goodnight

its not gay (unless you don’t say no homo at the end) just showing the love you got to the REAL homies back home

“come here sweet cheeks and give me a kiss on my hot mouth, (no homo tho…)”
“but isn’t kissing the homies goodnight gay??”

by ledzepyuri December 1, 2022

16👍 3👎


A derogatory term for the ghetto people. Usually used by rockers to mock their ghetto slang.

*ghetto person walks by*
Rocker: Look it's a homie-g-balla!

by Jonathan Z. October 16, 2006

15👍 3👎

Rich Homie Quan

A new rapper that sounds like a dying whale and resembles Future. He is known for his popular song "Type of Way".

Nigga did you hear that new dope song by Rich Homie Quan?

by SwaggSwizz October 7, 2013

393👍 172👎


1. Somebody that is your Homegurl/homeboi, that you kick it with, have sex with, and trust.
2. The dude nobody knows ur secretly having sex with, everyone thinks ur "best friends"
3.Yall both are in relationships but cant get enough of each other.

friend: "Are you and Tony dating?"
You: "naa thats my homie-lover-friend!"

by Jay8 December 6, 2006

297👍 128👎

ur homie a bronie

The single handed worst thing you could say to someone. This is the reason 90% of wars were started

Ben: ur mom gay
Adam: ur homie a brownie
Ben: every molecule in his body implodes on itself as god slowly disintegrates more and more

ur homie a bronie is the Bain of life's existence

by the legit dictionary April 21, 2018

Homie-Wan Kenobi

The most legendary homie that a person can ever be or have!

Yo that guy right there, Johnny Sins, is my homie-wan kenobi bruh!

by boochslaya February 27, 2020

kissing the homies gn

1. id choose the homies over you any day.

2. gn smexy homies

3. im only gay for my homies bro

ight kissing the homies gn

by IvanaFuk September 22, 2020