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Ape Real

One who is born in the fourth month. A black chick with an awesome body an all the boys get in that monkey. Spanking the monkey.

Damnn you so Ape real . Let me spanking that monkey girl!

by LeiairaRaine June 21, 2020

Real steel

A movie set in 2020 with robots that you can control

Person 1: it’s 2022 where are my robots at?
Person 2: I know, real steel lied to us all

by That man that does stuff February 5, 2022

Real Suffering

Suffering that is not known.

Mickey Mouse: Real suffering is not known.

by Nigglybearcuddlewuggle March 24, 2022

Real hater

When a nigga goes beyond to hate on a mf.

This nigga really talked shit on him after his mom died he a real hater

by Just another internet nigga January 11, 2022

real witchu

a string of words used to share present affection and a hope for the future.

I can't wait to get real witchu 😘

by Krkič May 29, 2020

real frin

A friend that is in freekick frin chat

sok is a real frin
ameer is a real frin
marlos is a real frin
reqam is a real frin

oli is a fake frin

by iAmeer June 11, 2019

Real Niggastry

The act of enlightening another person in a positive manner, and keeping it real along the way.

The act of preaching real nigga shit, from a real nigga.
The act of speaking in a way to help someone mentally or speaking straight facts.

Man dude. Can you stop with all this real niggastry.
Everytime we smoke, he always on his real niggastry shit.
Imma real nigga, all I speak is real niggastry.

by xXMrSPADESXx July 2, 2021