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dick slap

To slap a girl in one of many places(such as the ass, titties, clit, and face(or tongue) just to name a few favorites) with your dick. (D.S. for stealth use)

"I would like to give that girl the dick slap to the face."

by McStoodly April 1, 2006

491๐Ÿ‘ 214๐Ÿ‘Ž

Flap Slap

The Flap slap is the female equivalent of a cock slap.

She stands over her partner when he is asleep and slaps him round the face with her fanny flaps.

' When Brad was asleep I stood over him and flap slapped him good!'

by Bonerificly Big January 28, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Slap The Salami

The process in which a man masturbates.

Dave) Dude, I can't get any action tonight. I think I'm gonna' go home and Slap The Salami.

Randy) Me too!

by Alex Reynolds December 13, 2007

36๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gibbs Slap

A slap upside the back of the head a la Leroy Jethroe Gibbs from NCIS usually done to someone who did or said something stupid.

Don Gibbs slapped after I asked him to shower with him.

by legaykidd May 22, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

happy slapping

The practice of slapping or punching somebody unsuspectedly and recording it with a camera phone.

In America we call this practice assault and I do believe you would get shot with a gun if you tried it.

Some british kids went happy slapping in LA and got their shit messed up.

by Hobbe April 28, 2005

398๐Ÿ‘ 173๐Ÿ‘Ž

happy slapping

happy slapping is the act of hitting/slapping someone wile recording it on a camera phone. Very popular with chavs, who think they are cool. If a chave ever happy slapps you, crack his motherfucking skull open and/or blow his head off with a shot gun. Be prepared if you see a chave with a camera phone, be ready to crack him in the jaw.

chav: hey lets go Happy Slapping.
chav 2: Yo totaley.
guy: (after being slapped) What the fuck you gonna die now, you son of a bitch (grabs knife and stabs chav in the brain through eye socket).

by K-man2 April 26, 2006

56๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

tit slap

To slap someone or something really hard with your tits.

I tit slaped Corey last night and he started crying.

by xxxxirmaryxxx September 13, 2006

57๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž