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Chew it over

when you ave to pause for a while before answering someone, derived from the commercial " chew it over with a Twix"

When my mom asked me why there was girls underwear in my bed, i had to " chew it over' before i gave her an answer.

by kid with the hair June 7, 2009

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all over it

used to desribe a horny person

tom grant was all over it last night, he couldn't get enough

by birdman July 19, 2003

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Over the Rainbow

Beyond Gay
(place extra emphasis on the word "over" )

Lisa: Would you ever cosider going with Dante'
Carrie: Are you out ya damn mind? I heard that boy was over the rainbow!

by Necey January 22, 2005

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When someone comes over to fix things but breaks more things and the original thing is still not fixed. Most of the time this is followed by vacation leave.

Yesterday my email & internet worked just fine but I got Leifed-over really bad today and now nothing works!

by Mike Hanson November 7, 2006

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The state one finds oneself in the day after a one night stand, or a particularly exhaustive sexual tryst. Typically characterized by a rough and tousled appearance, and feelings of dirtiness (or, alternatively, dreaminess), distraction, lethargy, and general uselessness.

Similar to a hangover, but produced by copious amounts of sex, rather than alcohol.

An extension of the walk of shame (which lasts only as long as the journey from the scene of one's sexual exploits back to one's home), the bang-over continues throughout the following 24-hour period (or at least until unconsciousness occurs), regardless of whether one is in the company of others, or showing outward signs of having been engaged in said exploits.

Otherwise known as post-coital remorse or, in extreme situations, a post-coital coma.

Not to be confused with the tamer morning after condition, the bangover.

Layla: Maria, salimos esta noche? (shall we go out tonight?)
Maria: Ay, no se. Estoy sufriendo de un bang-over malisimo. (I don't know, I'm suffering from a wicked bang-over.)


Layla: What happened to you last night? I couldn't find you...
Maria: I went home with that guy. Did the walk of shame at 6 AM.
Layla: Damn girl, you must have one helluva bang-over.
Maria: Fact.

by bad-call betty February 16, 2010

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Over Lemonize

Occurs when too much lemon is included when making lemonaide so that the drink is too sour.

If you put any more lemons in that drink it will be over lemonized.

by Bek's Biyatch August 19, 2004

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When one texts something in the group chat expecting an answer, and another member of the group chat texts something. Then the rest of the chat answers their text and not the original one texted.

S: I tried to tell everyone the current drama, but they all responded to Stacy's text, so they never got the details.

K: Wow, I hate when I'm over-texted

by dontgettheham October 17, 2015

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