when your boobs are bigger while you're on your period because they're swollen
Did Ashley's boobs get bigger?
No she just has period boobs.
The worst period of the school day.
Ugh! Bell just rang. Now i gotta head to my bloody period- math class
Noun - when your ingrown toenail is so ingrown that it bleeds
Baby i want foot pics
cant i have a foot period
monthly cramps and pains in the penis/balls area when a boy doesn’t cum for prolonged periods of time, usually 2-3 days.
ah, i can’t run right now, my cum periods hurt too much
An empathetic Guy who feels bad for girls on their period. Typically will talk to multiple girls for them to vent to him, or may even be asked to purchase woman hygiene products for girls on their period.
Sally: Dan is such a sweet guy. He was willing to go to the store and buy me pads when I couldn't leave work.
Victoria: Yeah, he's a real Period Guy
Ruby: Hey Tanner, can I vent about my day? I warn you, it is period talk
Tanner: Not a problem, I'm the Period Guy
a day where you stay home with a blanket and a hot water bottle and watch netflix and complain about being on your period all day. it usually involves eating ice cream as well.
i won’t be at school today because i’m having a period day