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Noun: Having an undeniable fear of all pre-Christmas events and chores ie; Christmas shopping, caroling, wrapping, baking, decorating etc.

The inability to function when asked to preform any of the above tasks or tasks related to pre-Christmas

When I asked Deb to help me decorate she froze and ran away screaming. Turns out she is a pre-Christmasophobe.

I couldn't figure out why I was so stress just wrapping Christmas gift when I am fine doing it on birthdays. My friend says I have pre-Christmasophobia

by MissNinja December 24, 2009

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Things you knew before you knew how to know them.

"My pre-memory really plays tricks on me from time to time, but for the life of me, I really do remember some things that there is no way I could have known about!"

-- overheard at a pub in southern Taiwan on July 1, 2009

by PRwiz101 July 5, 2009

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Definition 1: When someone dances close to you and you have an orgasm prematurely. The opposite of predict as you were'nt expecting it. Supposedly common when dancing with an English woman.

Definiation 2: When someome gets enhanced using Viagra, weed or something similar, they get pre-dicked meaning they need an enhancement to get excited and can't do it alone. They have a problem in the dick department. The ultimate meaning is the same as predict in that if you control your dick in this manner, you can predict the outcome.

DEFINITION 1: "She danced a little too close to him and he got pre-dicked".

DEFINITION 2: "He panicked as he couldn't find his weed in his car and couldn't get PRE-DICKED for his weekend date so he looked for his Viagra instead. Ahhhh there it is, now I'm enhanced she won't be disappointed" Hmmm!

by The Advanced July 11, 2011

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In an attempt to forgo the future, a person wants to not remember the next few years and pretend they didn't happen.

Democrat: Isn't it amazing America elected Barack Obama?
Republican: I want to forget election night and pre-forget the next four years.

by LanguageMan November 20, 2008

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A scanning technique in which the scanner performs backspoofing on a list of numbers to find out which ones have interesting CLID names. Telco test numbers will often have the name of the telco come up (ie. Verizon).

I did a pre-scan in 907 and found tons of test numbers from the Mukluk telephone company.

by NotTheory August 3, 2004

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Drinking the cheap beer or wine at home or in your car in the parking lot to catch a buzz before buying the expensive booze at the club

Q: What time you wanna head out?

A: I dunno, lets Pre-Beer it around 8 pm

by snausages333 October 22, 2006

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before the pregame party, the drinker gets excited to drink, and 'dips' into his or her alcohol. Can be done days or hours in advance.

"Wild party tomorrow..." "No pre-dipping, you'll have to buy more!"

by the kimbe May 17, 2003

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