A stop sign (stäp sīn) is a useless decorative red octagon that is placed to make the intersection appear less empty. A stop sign is useless as neither we cyclists or motorists really come to complete stops. Being a complete waste of brake pads and energy, these useless octagonal ornamentation serves little to no real purpose in life other than government-issued annoyance.
New driver: complete stop at the stop signs
me: there's no cars in this intersection, go right though it to get that Strava KOM.
When someone is rejected midway through sex
I was going from the back and she pulled a stop sign
Something that acts as a kind of bureaucratic red tape for freedom loving warriors that would argue that stop signs are bureaucratic red tape.
Michael- Gimme something to rap about, anything.
Guy- Okay, how bout stop signs.
Michael- That's some Malibu's Most Wanted shit, but I'll do it.
Guy- Don't forget Mike, you told me to give you something to rap about. I didn't stop you when I first saw you and say rap about stops signs right now bitch, on the double! So neither of us was in a position or obligation of sub serviance to the other, since we had many different choices, I could have said I'm not giving you a subject, but I didn't choose to do that either.
throwing up this sign means that you love Reid, Hanna and Jillian to an infinite extent.
Throw it up, it's the double gun hand sign. #fam
The best gamer of the century, subscribe to his hilarious channel
R-sign gaming just posted a new video
A sign most prevalent in Metro Detroit, notably Dearborn, West Bloomfield, and Warren, where one can coast straight through a stop sign without stopping. With climate change eminent, momentum lost leads to an ever increasing carbon footprint. The Chaldean stop sign is a massive time saver, and a great boost to local businesses.
Mahmud was in a rush to pick up his Cigarette order at Sam's Club in Dearborn Heights. He looked both ways and blew right through a stop sign, right as a State Trooper gave him a thumbs up along with an approving grin. We must all be thankful for the implementation of the Chaldean Stop Sign, the true pride point of Michigan, unlike the infamous Michigan Left Turn, which is really a Boulevard Left turn. Anyways. . . Yella Yella Habibi, We pay for whole road we use whole road!!