The act in a particular game called ZOぞ QUESTS inside of ROBLOX it is common for players to spin
In Nessuk's videos it is shown on screen that he is spinning. Like this particular video where he spins with the title of :"I am the best in Roblox ZOぞ" and more videos.
Timestamp: 0:33
A word that originated in New Orleans that’s used around the world in rap and the streets.
“Wassam lah bih watchu on?”
“Coolin finna go spin on son n nem”
“Lawdddyy them lah b*tches really came spinning!”
-when you become overly sensitive and/or defensive when your friends are making fun of you
- when you feel uncomfortable when when your friends are teasing you
Your friends: yo you a bitch
You: Na you guys are assholes, leave me alone, you guys are so mean
Your friends: yoo he’s spinning
Verb: When your friends are making fun of you or teasing you resulting in you to feel confused and uncomfortable as if you are spinning
Signs that your friend is spinning include: defensive behavior, anger, and caring too much about something others don't really care about
Jared: Yo that shirts mad gay Frank!
Dennis: So are those shoes, yo is HE WEARING CONVERSE! yoOOOOOO!
Charlie: Yo get a new barber bro!
Frank: I need new friends you guys are lame and so f***** annoying!
Jared: You spinning bro?
To spin someone means to intentionally put an extremely large dose of LSD powder in the stem of the pipe and whoever the victim is would be offered the first hit, practically stripping them from their personality from such a high dose, and leaving them to ride the rest of the trip out for the next couple weeks, or possible for the rest of their life.
The L dealers are spinning people to take out the competition.
Not wanting to kick it. Dodging plans not answering the phone.
She been planning to go out for a min but I keep spinning her cause I’m really not interested.