amoni sus is a sad expression of a popular expression "among us", which refers to the popular game "Among Us", created by the company "Innersloth". Amoni sus is usually followed with a crying emote, like this: amoni sus 😭
Person 1: Hi everyone! Could you please send me the homework for today?
Person 2: Surely, Suzy!
person 3 (dumb idiot): amoni sus 😭😭😭😭
Awesome human being. Probably get amazed at everything.
Badass bitch and nice bitch, will eat anything.
Has long hair and is partially a smart nerd.
Is not a tree.
Me: OI! look at this Rong Su~
A Sus Neek is usually referred to a sus man with a dead beard. If said neek believes his beard is good you must tell him it’s dead.
Another attribute is that they have a fit mum.
They also try and claim they’re not gay but we all know that they really are.
“Cody exposed himself as gay, he must be a sus neek with a peng mum.”
the straight in the friend group of gays who just gives off very homo energy
Haley- I’m gay
Natalee- I’m gay
Sarah- I’m gay
Jessica (who wears flannels, enjoys her kiwis and just screams lesbian)- i’m straight
all- 🤨
Natalie- She’s a sus straight
Ethan is well known to be extremely sussy and should be voted out as impressive (if you know what I mean)
Ethan sus is sus we should vote him out