Conversing in a confusing manner as the result of consumption of cannabis edibles.
“‘Think about that’ ‘No you think about that’ ‘I already did think about that, I think’ ‘what are we thinking about’ ‘Ahhh that’s just brownie talk’”
The old persons way to refer to texting.
I can never get my daughter's attention because she is too busy type talking to her friends.
Intimate communication before or after having sex with your partner
She blew my mind and I opened up to her with some pillow talk!
A conversation that takes place during sex when you or the other person are saying things that aren’t true and wouldn’t be said outside of you two having sex. The conversation is to only make one another feel good for the time.
Him: I love you
Her: That’s just pillow talk
Playful small talk conducted in an energetic, dramatic, and engaging manner. A style of speaking frequently used by morning show hosts and internet video personalities.
"Have you seen the Fifth Element? Ruby Rhod is the master of puppy talk. He's so fast, but it's so entertaining!"
"Becky, stop puppy talking to the kids, it's not working and they think you're weird."
"Yeah, lohanthony's youtube channel is mostly puppy talk, but it's kinda fun to watch."
Vocabulary spoken amongst close friends which is virtually indiscernible to outsiders.
Me: Yea, we bailed down to catch a feed at the regular hillbob's, it was a days meal, big stewpot followed of course.
Friend: Yep.
Outsider: What?
Me: Oh, just inside talk.
Those akward moments when your peeing in the urinal, and the guy next to you starts talking.
Friend: "Yeah, it was super akward. The guy next to me tried to willy talk.
You: "Cool."