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tax time

A term used to announce any type of robbery

2 guys walk into a bank armed with guns and wearing masks. They announce to everyone in the bank, "OK everyone get down, it's tax time!"

by Jose Santi April 29, 2008

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tax haven

Tax haven is a country in which big companies like Facobook or Microsoft or any other business giant deposite their profit for tiny prices to avoid taxes, whereas you work your ass off to revive the economy.

Company X reported operating 25 subsidiaries in tax havens in 2012.

by oudaday August 15, 2016

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Wax Tax

The cost of a females sexual attention or wax, in the form of a costly date or activity. Traditionally the male pays for the act so he may get some action later on that night.

In order to have sex with Kim, Adam had to pay his Wax Tax in the form of her dinner at Red Lobster

by Jonnyjames June 8, 2016

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Tax evasion

A cute caterpillar with a lot of simps

Person 1: "hey, it's tax evasion!"
Person 2: "I simp for tax evasion"

by RubyDupy August 2, 2020

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tax evader

Pure criminal scum who evade their taxes.

"If you find out someone is a tax evader, it's your duty to end their life"

by DastardlyDude98 May 9, 2018

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tax slave

A worker who pays a high percentage of his/her salary to the government. A tax slave isn't a slave, per se, just someone who perceives that they pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits. That said, people who perceive themselves as tax slave don't always take into account public benefits like roads, water, electricity and other infrastructures supported by their payments to a governing body.

After it was found out she ran a marathon, it made the tax slaves feel better when the woman was made to pay back disability benefits.

by The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh July 21, 2014

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Polar Whore-Tax

This is an additional fee/tax that a prostitute charges when the requested sexual act is performed outside & the weather is extremely cold.

The hooker told him she charged an additional 'Polar Whore-Tax' when he requested her to give him a blowjob in the snow.

by Master Kitty February 20, 2014

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