Source Code

Shell Game

Tactics used to deliberately confuse someone so that their previous agreements can be broken. (Made popular by street perfomers, where there are 3 shells or cups in a row. One shell or cup has a ball placed underneath. The performer moves all the shells around quickly and then stops. The subject is asked to guess where the ball is...usually incorrect.)

Mary said she had a great girl she wanted me to meet this weekend. On Thursday, I asked Mary "so Mary, what's this girll's name i'm meeting this weekend?" Mary replies "oh, i think it's Jenny or maybe it's Jason..i'll let you know. On Friday you ask "so Mary, is her name Jenny or Jason?" Mary replies "do I know you?" You call your friend and say Mary just played the Shell Game.

by aliveandstill55 March 20, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

McGinty Games

Absolutely terrifying company that is on its way to world domination via the devastating war machine, known as "classpad". The company also forces its workers to stay up to 3AM, as well spending their monthly salary on discord nitro to nitro boost the "7SEA" Rust server. McGinty Games is also heavily associated with an unethical company named McGinty Bakes, which utilises slavery and evil methods to make "brownies".

Oh yeh bruv lets get the new classpad chess program from McGinty games, then have a pint along with some freshly baked McGinty Bakes brownies.

by killerkermit04 October 15, 2020

22๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

match game

Only the best game show ever invented. Rounded up the most people with bad teeth.

Have you ever watched match game on the game show channel?

by Illwombat May 6, 2007

22๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

outer game

your appearance; in correlation with your 'inner game', your 'outer game' is your appearance, anything from your dress sense, looks, body etc, which is used to attract the opposite sex in a 'macking' opportunity.

'oof, that dude got crazy outer game. he is fly'

by KidSteals September 20, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

I'm game

Used to indicate that the speaker is interested in doing whatever has just been suggested. Similar to "I'm up for that."

Bart: Let's go see a flick.
Lisa: Sure, I'm game.

by kiwi-monster April 30, 2004

453๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bro Game

Players substitute in the word "bro" in appropriate places (where there is the "o" sound, usually). Score points each time the word is used without the target noticing. Very similar to the cat game.

Players can also just play among themselves to try to show off their skill at using "bro" in the most appropriate places.

Guy: So how's it going at work?
Bro Game Player: You wouldn't believe this! I was supposed to meet with the C-E-Bro of the company to get a bromotion, but there was broad work on the way to work... So I missed my meeting. But I'm broing to try and reschedule.
Guy: *wonders if hearing is OK*

Bro Game Player #1: Let's head down to the cafeteria, they're serving macabroni and cheese today.
Bro Game Player #2: I'm not that hungry, I'll probably just stick with brogurt.

by Brohan Santana November 2, 2008

44๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

game over

A sure sign that the game just kicked your ass...

I love the game over music for Final Fantasy 7, its just so... sad!

by Rimpala January 27, 2007

190๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž