Hisoka day is a day that us hisoka stans praise him. This day takes place December 3rd. It is a day to worship hisoka in any way you please!
"Hey , did you hear? It's hisoka day!"
"Oh really? Then Bungee Gum!"
When it's been a long ass day where very little seems to go right, and you don't even have the energy to fully explain what kind of day it's been.
Kyle: where are you going?
Allison: it's been a Day™. I need to go lie down.
the 25th of november, the day where all levihan fans sob
it’s levihan day let’s all shinji pose
March 15:
A day where Gaters everywhere praise Gater the CANT-play-hide-and-seek-dog
Jeff: hey today’s Gater Day!
Sarah: what’s that?
Jeff: it’s a day where you celebrate Gater.
Sarah: and who’s that and why the hell should we celebrate it?
Jeff: just search it up on urban dictionary..
Fresh, Day of (n.)
1) A selected day of the standard American work week during which the mid-day meal is typically consumed at a local Subway restaurant.
2) Monday
Friend: Day of Fresh?
You: Sounds like a plan.
April 4th of every year, everyone must act suspicious in a public space, thus being accused of partaking in or being a murderer amongst the people (i.e the imposter).
"You are acting rather sus today."
"Today is Sus Day."
To get a whole week of errands done in one single day, while high.
Dude! I had such a cactus day today! Got so much shit done and still had time to go for a skate, a surf, a sesh and a good half an hour of FIFA...