The mistaken belief that the truth lies somewhere in between to opposing propositions.
Man "It's the women!"
Woman "It's the men!"
Sophist "Well... *Insert middle-ground fallacy*"
Hym "Wrong! I can prove it! By asking a simple question: What is the selection criteria? If it is 6ft tall (14.5%), Six figure salary (17%), 6 inch+ dick (16%) and we omit overlap and assume women are willing to settle for 1 out of the 3, we have only 47% of men who can meet the selection criteria. If THAT is what constitutes 'The best man available' (in the context of hypergamy) AND if we assume that Jordan is correct in saying that they should all just get married and start a family, What are the OTHER 53% of women supposed to do? For that to work, over HALF the women STILL have to CHANGE THEIR SELECTION CRITERIA. What then? How is that supposed to work? The women don't WANT to do it and are TOLD NOT TO BY PARENTS WHO WANT THEM TO HAVE THE BEST PARTNER AVAILABLE. The men who have overlapping qualities don't have to do it so their opinions are unlimited. And here we are...
What can men do about any of that? 'Try your best!'? 'Strife nobly into the dawn!'?Only 17% of the men CAN have jobs that pay 6 figures or more because THERE ARE A FINITE NUMBER OF JOBS THAT PAY THAT MUCH. What, do you expect them to increase the pay rate of a broader number of job to 6 figures? McDonald's cashier 100,000 a year. Then you can finally get a girlfriend. The other 2 are a roll of the dice. How is it at all men's fault? What is the selection criteria? Broadly? And that middle-ground fallacy applies to the schizophrenia thing too! It's not a matter of 'well, maybe it's a little of both'. At this point it's 'yeah, they're doing the thing they are doing and they have been doing it for years, and now I'm hyper-vigilant about it so I'm looking for it everywhere!' I don't claim to be right all of the time about it. And as a thought experiment I respond to things as though they were said to or about me. But that's not the same!"
A pig made from ground sausage.
Puny Customer: Aww look! A pig made from ground sausage.
Aaron, the Mighty Meat Slayer: I am the creator of the ground sausage pig. It is most triumphant. Now be gone from my presence or I shall smite thee with my pork sword!!
A term to define rather crowded areas, such as clubs, suited for pursuing/hunting a one night stand.
Rebecca, that ol' cougar has expanded her hunting grounds, she now runs around at Beat Palace and the LaZ Lounge, if you want to bang her, be there around 10pm.
A half smoked cigarette found on the ground by homeless people. Also known as a "sussdown".
You see that bum over there lookin for ground shorts?
Ground turkey in a salad is when a man ejaculates in all three holes of his female partner (the mouth, the vagina, and the anus) within a short period of time.
M: "Hey baby, remember that time I came in all three of your holes in under three hours? "
F: "yeah?"
M: "Ground turkey in a salad"
A uncredited Hip Hop Genre that uses a lot of African Genre Samples from the following Genres: Highlife, Coupé-Décalé, Soukous, Juju, and sometimes Afro-Beat.
Prince African Press: (Listening to Music) Oh my God! Now that's Hip Hop!
Allahdyummu: Um ..... (SMH) .... not really.
Prince African Press: (Annoyed) What the fuck you mean man?! This is Real HIP HOP!
Allahdyummu: Not really! That beat is Afro Ground.
Prince African Press: (Controversially) What the FUCK is an Afro Ground.
Allahdyummu: (Calm) Hip Hop Music mixed with African Samples.
Prince African Press: (Thinking To Himself) .................. really? Wow, based upon samples, you do have a point. Brother you sharp man.
Allahdyummu: (Laughing) Thanks. Oh, by the way. It should highly be considered a Sub-Genre of REAL HIP HOP MUSIC. Because when you listen to the Hip Hop looped Traditions used by Producers back in the days, other Producers can re use what Producers have looped before and mix African Samples on that loop. Get it?
Prince African Press: Yeah. G I never thought about it that way. Hump. You learn something New Everyday.
Allahdyummu: Indeed.
A sports ground opposite bohunt Worthing school. A place where the public go, bohunt kids do PE and roadmen and gangs hang about
The manor sports ground, England is opposite bohunt school