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Spoon Killer

The spoon killer is joey white, he lives at the upper east part of vaughan. hhe chases people with a spoon and spoons your nut.

"spoon deez nuts!"
- Julian/Joey white/Spoon Killer

by Not the spoon killer April 11, 2023

Spoon Killer

The spoon killer is a person who spoons you until you die. Or he spoons your nuts. the spoon killer is joey white, he lives in the upper part of vaughan.

"spoon deez nuts!!"
-Julian/Joey/Spoon killer

by Not the spoon killer April 11, 2023

Boner Killer

9/10 math teachers and English teachers

Damn dude, my math teacher, Mrs. Bowman, is such a boner killer

by Cum is stored in your mother April 21, 2022

Fandom Killer

A fandom so large and toxic, it can take other fandoms and assmiliate it into their own by means of replacing the old fans with their annoying and toxic fans.

Friday Night Funkin' was the first ever fandom killer, as it was populated by nothing but immature fatherless children and pedophiles, no exceptions. The Fandom had the powerful ability to create mods, which meant they could make mods based on other fandoms. If the mod got traction, then children would flood the fandom and push all the old fans out, assimilating their fandom and the thing they loved so much, and now it would be only known as another subgenre of the FNF fandom.

Guy 1: What's *insert thing*? Why does everyone keep talking about other things with it?
Guy 2: It's some weird game. The fandom got so large it became a Fandom Killer. It took my small fandom.

by microsoftwindowsvista May 5, 2023

bar killer

The person/friend that sleeps with the bartender, thus making future visits to the bar uncomfortable and not as enjoyable as it used to be because of their weird dynamic

Stop sleeping with all of the bartenders, you're a bar killer

by Scotty88 January 25, 2015

deereal killer

Deer hunter who enjoys stalking and killing deer

Check out the way that guy smiles while chopping off the head of that deer, dude is for sure a Deereal killer.

by Drew Saint James October 27, 2015

WoW Killer

A game that is labelled as WoW Killer is usually a game that commits suicide 1 month after.

"Have you heard of the new xy game? It's the new WoW Killer!"
*1 Month later*
-xy Game is dead.

by xHellscream44 June 4, 2018