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by The_Mad_Doctor August 20, 2023


The worst fucking word on the planet

Bob: it's rather moist out today
Tom: RAHHHHHHH *beats bob to death*

by bigmanjerry January 9, 2025


A pack of shitcunts

The supermarket was overrun with a Moist of shitcunted shitcunts buying all the dunny paper.

That parliament/congress is so full of shitcunts, it looks like a moist

by Chuck Wit Simpson April 28, 2020


Meaning: Awesome

The anotonym of "Lit", yet maintains the same meaning.

Friend: "Hey man, that party was moist af last night."

Friend#2: "I know bro. I'm still drenched(hungover)."

by Medixx July 17, 2018


a wet surface or substance but not that as wet as water just a little wet

jas: bruh my vagina is moist

Megan + Beth: shagging to much??

by kettlelover July 9, 2017


An adjective to the word 'cool', 'rad' or 'lit' that can be used to describe something popular or interesting

Boy 1: Bro i just passed my driver's test!!
Boy 2: Dude wow that's so moist!!

by B1ackwhirlwind January 6, 2019


Something that is so butter that you could slide right into

You have a moist penis johnny

by Dog bum November 26, 2017