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yet another keyboard spam

I'm so bored i'm gonna type ipooipipoipipoipiqwerwerqewrewqrewqrqwerwqerweqk;lj;lj;ljl;j;lj;lkasfdsafadsfasdfadsfdsfdsfas/,m/m/.,m/.,m/.,mzxcvxzcvzxcvzcxvcxzvzcx onto this dictionary and see what pops up!

by Polypher May 3, 2024

pied piper op

A term used to describe a United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operation in which anonymous leaks to news sources and message boards are used with partially true information or information that is already public knowledge. The design of these operations is intended to neutralized resistances within populations with the promises that secret "heroes" unknown to them are fighting on their behalf behind the scenes and that the people's perceived enemies are just "one step away" from being exposed and dealt with.

"Q Anon? Nah man. Only stupid boomers believe in that crap. From what I hear it's just another pied piper op."

by Aliel The Heretic October 15, 2020


Literally, "Too long; playing ingress"

Said whenever a nerd makes a post that is too long and you are currently playing ingress.

Such a lovely text you got there. tl;pi

by peanutbutterjeallycookie November 17, 2013


a noun (n) meaning a pigeon pimp. other than making no sense, the word can be heard by several redundant people(s)

Girl i cant run! Thats my pi-gamp! he'll hunt me down and shit on me!

by cock master zorc September 12, 2007

The Pi Diet

A meal that uses no more than three ingredients plus condiments of the same color apparently for pleasing or tasteful appearance.

On Pi Day, Chef Poppy is promoting a special meal he christens “The Pi Diet.”

by Fasters March 4, 2023

9👍 16👎

Pi Revolution

Where math educators, publishers, and bookstores worldwide join forces on Pi Day to promote the beauty, ubiquity, and utility of the number π to millions of students, teachers, and parents.

Guesstimate how many students’ lives are annually being impacted positively thanks to the pi revolution.

by Fasters December 31, 2022

10👍 16👎

PIS (private investigator services)


1. when a group of close knit friends come together to figure some shit out

"damn i wish i had the PIS (private investigator services) team to help me figure this out"
when a group of close knit friends come together to figure some shit out

by the psi team August 2, 2023