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The Bulii Theory

The idea that young Americans who have recently graduated from high school seek to attend a higher education institution for relaxation purposes, or as philosopher Dr. Bulii counts it, "to chill."

When people just spend all day lounging in college and not attending class, they are applying the Bulii Theory to their everyday lives.

by el_toro25 May 26, 2011

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Pipefill Theory

the theory that flushing every toilet in the building will lower the ocean level momentarily.

Looks like we just proved Pipefill Theory isn't just a myth!

by Cyborgstalker July 11, 2008

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turd theory

The intellectual area concerning anything that comes out of Donald J. Trumps' mouth.

Weird - I heard him say that Obama didn't call any families of fallen veterans, but that was just more turd theory.

by sleepyHollow October 17, 2017

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queer theory

The theory that hates on gender roles and gender identity. The "queer" or "strange" people are awesome. Also, heteronormativity is really bad because society has developed a "norm" that they are superior, so the idea that we need to prevent death or extinction is bad because it ignores that gays and lesbians cannot reproduce. A lot of Queer Theory's credentials go Lee Edelman.

I read the Queer Theory kritik in debate today.

Oh what is that?

Why straight people suck and gender roles are Satan.

by Megleficent June 26, 2014

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chaos theory

A small group of goof's who try to cause havoc in certain areas of the internet but never succeed

thos chaos theory try so hard but they never win at anyhting they do

by mr.newby February 1, 2007

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smell theory

a theory that says that men subconsciously know when women are sexually active because of pheromones.

but there was still the ''smell theory''. That's what us girls put it down to, that must men subconsciously know when you are sexually active, because they just start to come out of the woodwork.

by anchy_nicka December 31, 2008

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theory of "middletivity"

1)belief that the truth usually lies at a mid point between two opposing views.
2)compromise is the best policy

in the elections 0f 2006 the theory of "middletivity" prevailed

by D.Coder January 29, 2007

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