To zone out, become zombie-like, e.g. when watching TV or a movie. Turning off your brain.
I have enough of this homework b.s. I'm ready to grab a cold one and put it on buzz.
Emotionally irrational
Good friend “sometimes”
Dessert lover
Salesmen’s best friend
Cat man
That girl is acting like a kyle the buzz
I wish I would have paid twice as much like kyle the buzz
to Buzz light-year or Buzz Lightyearing someone, you will need four things. A flight of stairs, a fish tank, a laser pointer and a bitch. To start off you need to be fucking the bitch at the top of the stairs. but before you nut, take your dick out and smack her in the head. when she turns around to yell at you, nut in her eye. you then put the fish tank over her head and push her down the stairs. (Note: if she is not moving, you did it wrong.) Once shes falling down the stairs, you point the laser pointer in her eyes. This will cause more confusion.
Bob: yo guys, Unc taught me what Buzz Lightyearing was. I should try it out on my Girlfriend
to Buzz light-year or Buzz Lightyearing someone, you will need four things. A flight of stairs, a fish tank, a laser pointer and a bitch. To start off you need to be fucking the bitch at the top of the stairs. but before you nut, take your dick out and smack her in the head. when she turns around to yell at you, nut in her eye. you then put the fish tank over her head and push her down the stairs. (Note: if she is not moving, you did it wrong.) Once shes falling down the stairs, you point the laser pointer in her eyes. This will cause more confusion.
Bob: Yo guys Unc just taught me what Buzz Lightyearing was. I will try it on my girlfriend
Unc: game is game
putting your hand on your throat applying pressure and talking, ot using a voice filter over video chat and proceeding to say things you think bee would say in english
person; yo do you know how to bee/buzz talk?
other person; *bee/buzz talking* yeah, you got any pollen in a ya brother?
Like bagsey or shotgun, an individual can elect not to do something generally in the immediate or near future. It represents a way to get out of an upcoming duty or chore. The faster you can hit the metaphorical buzzer in this case by saying the words buzz not, the better. The chore or annoyance typically arises before the individuals BUZZ NOT.
Buzz not going to fill up the water in the next room. Buzz not - turn off the light when you are already in bed (Allannah).
when you shove a buzz lightyear up someones ass and press the button so the wings eject causing extreme pain.
yea danny is a bitch and likes the packers so I pushed the button on buzz lightyear.