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Bro Trolling

Bro trolling is when you troll one of your bros.

Bro#1: Hey bro, I accidentally your sister yesterday.

Bro#2: ...What did you do?

Bro#1: Your sister. :)

Bro#2: Dude, what the fuck?

Bro#1: Relax man. Just bro trolling you.

by DeadJ0y November 25, 2011

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Trolling for Trollups

To cruise around red light districts or public areas searching for prostitutes.

last night i went trolling for trollups for over and hour before i hooked up with this sleezy hooker on 79 street.

by Coach Boris Ramnovitch July 6, 2009

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troll model

A troll who is a role model.

Jim: Hey, dude, I didn't know you were so close with Billy.
Luke: Yeah, man, he's totally my troll model. By the way, you look great in your yearbook photo.
Jim: Seriously?! That's great to hear, because Billy told me I look like a total douche.
Luke: You do! I was just trolling you.
Jim: Aw $#!+. I see your troll model has taught you well.

by Duesky February 13, 2013

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Cubicle Troll

Often found in large companies with pervasive cubicle environments. The existence of very heavy-set, adult-aged yet Peter Pan-obsessed males that appear from cubicles looking as if they have recently emerged from a dark cave, having hibernated for the winter or just participated in the latest Halo or Guitar Hero tournament. They often take off work in order to spend nights outside of Best Buy to purchase the latest version of Xbox. These un-shaved, wild-haired creatures tend to gather in large groups around the latest technical advancements in manufacturing or engineering.

Hey did you see Joe the Cubicle Troll today? No, man - I haven't seen that guy since Star Wars: The Clone Wars came out. Oh wait, I think I see him now dragging his knuckles along the floor and grunting down the hallway with the newest edition of Gaming Weekly magazine.

by UMAYB1 August 27, 2008

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Troll god

Someone who's talent for trolling surpasses the realm of humanity. A word from an individual with this title can destroy whole chatrooms in an instant.

Omg it's Fergus the troll God... Run for your lives!!

by F4bio July 3, 2011

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basement troll

Any over 30 male who lives in his parents' basement. Usually lacking in social skills. Never has a girlfriend. Heterosexual (non-practicing). Seldom employed. Loves Dungeons and Dragons. Usually overweight, bald. Comic book fanatic. Secretly (or not) wants to be his favorite comic book hero.

Dude I bet that basement troll has never even been to first base.

by nemo421 November 10, 2007

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Internet Troll

An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

To be a good Internet Troll you must copy and paste this definition all over the internet.

by Master of God's Master October 15, 2009

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