An absolute terror of a comeback that destroys any argument with nuclear explosions, both hypothetical and real. The power level of this phrase trumps even that of the ancient "no u", for the opponent's opinion is left in limbo and their existence is made a lie. Use only in emergencies or when attempting to end a "no u" war.
Jeff: ur mom gay
Mike: no u
Jeff: no u
Mike: haha ur face
*Jeff explodes in an instant and is sent to hell, where Satan himself summons him and utters the phrase "ur family tree LGBT", causing Jeff's pain to multiply exponentially as he is spun in a circle as a bunch of gay people slap his ass and continue to pelt "ur mom gay" at him
i) A term which is used as a comeback to anything or an anyone that is in disagreement with a statement that you have made.
ii) Used when someone makes a statement that makes them sound more intelligent than you and you have no idea how to respond.
Example A:
Fred: I don't like you
You: Fuck ur uncle
Fred: *will most likely just shut up*
Example B:
Jamie: You don't know how to find the area of a pancake with a giraffe and dog on top? Are you stupid?
You: Fuck ur uncle!
Jamie: *will most likely go crying to his mum*
Considered to be the underdog of insults, this phrase will catch your opponent off guard.
Paul:Ur mom gay
John:Ur dad lesbian
Paul:Ur granny tranny
John:Ur nan pan
Paul: *internally implodes, destroying the entire universe*
Ur Grandpa hoe worst ever insult
Mark: Ur mom gay
Charlie: No u
Mark: Ur dad lesbian
Charlie: Ur Granny Tranny
Mark with smile: Ur Grandpa hoe
Charlie gets instant death
This is the by far WORST insult that can ever be used. Nothing will ever be able to top this insult, as soon as it is said life as we know it will cease to exist.
Johnny- "ur mom gay"
Fred-"ur dad lesbian"
Johnny-"ur sister a mister"
Fred"ur bro homo"
Johnny-"ur granny tranny"
Fred-"That;s it, ur ancestors incestors"
The universe implodes as everything that exist is destroyed. All you can hear is the screams of every single person being tortured in hell as everything comes to an end with one final explosion.
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The most destructive comeback to date. Only to be used in very dire situations. (Can be used if target doesn't have a sister)
Joe: ur mom gay
Tim: no u
*At this point time ceases to exist. The very fabric of the universe has be torn to shreds, the entire 3rd dimension is incinerated and all life on earth ceases to exist*
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Kind of like "Ur mom gay" but even better. Even harder to deflect or reverse.
Are's = are/arse
Person 1: Henlo
Person 2: Ur moma are's giey
*Person 1 fell to death*
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