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Word used by people too insecure to admit they find something offensive.

What they say: "Great, more woke crap!"

What they mean: "F@#$%ts on Star Trek? I'M OFFENDED!!1!

by Boston Dudeist June 27, 2024


A shortened form of awakened, or awoken; slang that has been in usage since at least the year two thousand CE, with most Urban Dictionary definitions coming after 2016, the earliest at 2005. Around 2014 Urban Dictionary submissions shift from states of non slumber to social commentary, largely becoming attacks against people the submitter disagrees with from 2016 onward.

In these streets when you doze off you wake up with your clothes off, stay woke!

I was sleeping on that KD, now I'm woke!

That boy done woke up all the whole hood!

Woke and boke some hash!

by The Inside Cradle March 26, 2022


pro-communist, anti-capitalist yet for some reason chooses to live in a capitalist country when they could move out, finding racism in everything, exhuding acceptance and tolerance by acting extremely hostile to different opinions, the incapability of critical thought, being anti-police while calling the cops for help when theyre in an emergency, hating their country because it's not an oppressive totalitarian state

me: yo did you see me shout that old woman down the other day for holding up an anti-abortion sign?
friend: sure did! that was so woke!

by fergus555 January 20, 2022


A neo marxist,post modern, non theistic Ideology rooted in critical theory that suggests all issues in society are a result of racial & class inequality & as a result, all issues must constantly be defined through identity pollits resulting in segregation of individuals into separate victim/oppressor groups based off of immutable characteristics as race,gender,& perceived personal identity.

All Finn wants to do is talk about they/thems pronouns & how bad white males are because they are woke.

by modern english 2015 April 23, 2024


An insult thrown by those who are disgusted at the ideology they may not be the supreme race, country or gender, and want to find a way to justify their facist, homophobic, misogynistic and racist views by putting the blame on the innocent. The people that use this word are the people who cheer when refugees and asylum seekers die at sea. If someone accuses you of being woke, they actually mean, you’re not enough of a cunt

“Wait you don’t like seeing refugees drown at sea? You’re so woke!”

by 10ting December 29, 2022


1) To be an idiot

2) To be more retarded than people whom are medically determined to be retarded

Synonyms: idiot, backwards, no morals, satan worshiper,

Us woke people laugh that the anti-woke think the election was rigged.

by Old Wise E November 24, 2023


woke to represent hustle

Snow tha product invented woke and yt boys appropriated the word

you know about woke tv?
yes, from 2010? is good music

by anikk June 3, 2021