Is a place you can finde alot of needy informasjon.
When you try to find out somthing you just search on urban dictionary
a website where 7 year olds define words like "nigger, ass, faggot, sex, penis, nigga, and basically any word."
searching up pancakes, i get results like "hey bro! yeah what? wanna bang some pancakes? sure bro!"
gay 1: ey, fam! you like the urban dictionary!
gay 2: ye, it's so wholecumed!
gay 1: i learned what map meant from there! i can tell my social studies teacher!
gay 2: omg what it means!!11!1
gay 1: it mean minor attracted person!
gay 2: uhh okej fam!
A book filled with gossip, lies, tabloid like, manipulation, confusion, deceit.
It is a fact that people use Urban Dictionary more than the Bible.
Urban Dictionary more than any other book, magazine or newspaper.
Urban Dictionary, the greatest book to mankind, but not the greatest for mankind. Proceed at own risk.
"Please review Urban Dictionary's content guidelines before writing your definition. Here's the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information."
Urban Dictionary Users: are u sure abt that???
urban dictionary was a wonderful website... when did it go wrong???
An online dictionary that is written by anyone who wants to. Sometimes the definitions aren't accurate but it is really good.
I might go define a word in the Urban Dictionary.