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what's his toes

Who is that? What's his name?

It's that movie with what's his toes in it.

by gflavor January 20, 2024

hm, what jew mean

a sharp hum followed by the words 'what do you mean', this is a way for people to ask what is meant when they actually know the answer and exactly what happened, but want to buy time and is said very quickly to distract the accuser.

Koko: 'Ash did you just take a piss without washing your hands?'
Ash: 'hm, what jew mean?'

by destroyer2643187 February 23, 2024

what causes appendix to burst

In some moderation, the appendix makes your poop hard, the infection will cause good bacteria, when the poop gets stuck in your abdomen or anus, the pinworm will stay in your belly, soon after that, the pinworm causes fluid or mucus inside your anus, the fluid and mucus causes your appendix to burst, soon after that, the poo will get soft and it may cause diarrhoea or constipation, and the poo will get soft any minute, and the pinworm starts to die, and the appendix will burst.

What causes appendix to burst is a sad story.

by Debskelly1985 May 30, 2023

1👍 2👎

Aah, what a soda

A meme in the vocaloid community where the lyrics in the song matryoshka
"Aaa ware souda" are misheard in english as "aah what a soda"

You typically find this meme in the comment section with a timestamp and the misheard phrase

*comment section of a matryoshka video*
HATSUNEMIKUFAN39~desu:(Timestamp) Aah, what a soda

by Just some meme definer June 2, 2018