An adjective used to describe a person performing a pathetic act that is purely done in order to gain attention. The people that attention whore are typically lowlifes, who use sites such as Youtube as their whoring grounds.
''Jimmy posted a comment on Youtube saying that his dog had died. What an attention-whoring douchebag.''
''Tifanny intentionally dropped a tampon in class like the attention-whoring slut she is.''
''It's sad that you tried to commit suicide, but this is Youtube. Get your attention-whoring ass out of here!''
A unapologetically promiscuous, sex positive individual, who feels so passionate about ending slut shaming that they make it their life's mission.
She's obsessed with showing people that a woman's sexuality does not define her virtue, she's a true radical whore.
a car that's a complete shitbox. Usually a Jeep Grand Cherokee or some shitbox truck that's completely clapped out, destroyed, or on its last mile that gets passed around until finally one guy sends it to the scrap yard. Usually the title is full of all previous owners and is 2-3 pages long
Dude, Hector finally sold the whore car to the scrapyard. Ya know, the one he bought off of herb who bought it from Lil Marco, and he bought it off a dude 2 states over. By the time he signed the title, it was 3 pages full of previous owners
When a man nuts in a woman's ear and the fluid gets stuck in the ear for 2-4 weeks
Dude I totally just gave Samantha whore's ear, she can't hear shit!
Trolling whores, especially by tricking them into sleeping with you for free.
Dude, I was totally whore trolling when I was in Vegas. Didn't pay a cent!
the act of wearing too many patterns at once.
Wow Sally, hearts AND stripes? You're such a pattern whore.