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Urban Dictionary

Urban dictionary is the website you are currently on. This website is for posting your own definitions for words and phrases. However, now the dictionary is just filled with dirty and bizarre sex related stuff. It is disgusting. People turn completely normal objects into, like, idk, a way of having sex??? Like, What the actual heck???!!!

Person: The urban dictionary is trash, I feel like it’s almost as bad as a porn website. Eww

by innocent rando shocked by defs July 5, 2021

Urban Dictionary

Is this something people talk about in their daily lives?

Some guy "Hey, did you read that urban dictionary post the other day?"

Some other guy "Yeah, I was talking to my friend about it because that's totally a thing that people talk about."

Some guy "I know! I don't go a day WITHOUT talking about Urban Dictionary. I've actually NEVER had a conversation that wasn't about Urban Dictionary"

Some other guy "That's tight. We are totally normal people and talk about totally normal things."

Third guy "Hey, you ever hear of that one guy?"

Some guy "Bro, shut up! We're talking about Urban Dictionary! If it's not about Urban Dictionary we don't want to hear it."

Third guy "Bro! He's on Urban Dictionary!"

Some other guy "WHAT!? HE IS!?"

Third guy "YES! He is! People talk about him and Urban Dictionary all the time!"

Some guy "Oh! Ok. I thought you were going to talk about something other than Urban Dictionary."

Third guy "There are things to talk about other than Urban Dictionary?"

Some guy "Touché!"

by Hym Iam April 21, 2022

Urban dictionary

Totally waste of time, started by one now whole generation is putting it on there story though nobody cares.
Please we don't want to know what's your name says.

So by urban dictionary everyone who's putting there name's story is piece of shit

by Fakeeeee November 24, 2021

urban dictionary


urban dictionary is shit

by ethroks December 4, 2021

Urban Dictionary

A website

Urban Dictionary exists

by Worship the gods of air April 9, 2023

Urban Dictionary

Where memes were made

Guys lets watch this new Documentary on memes

First topic: Urban Dictionary

by Mooseoink September 15, 2021

Urban Dictionary

You've already looked in the dictionary, on Google, and you still can't find the meaning of a word. So you're here.

"I am on Urban Dictionary."

by Your uncle upstairs April 25, 2021