The website you are on right now. Used to be a website to make definitions, but now people just put sexual definitions on normal words.
Person 1: "I just searched the word shark on Urban Dictionary."
Person 2: "oh god..."
An online dictionary site written by users
"I use urban dictionary all the time to research vocab words."
A site for noobs who don't know slang.
Man, Urban Dictionary is insulting me because I don't know what 'slay'' means!
The internet culture version of Wiktionary.
I'm gonna go to Urban Dictionary and look up random shit because I'm bored and Wiktionary is boring.
dude why the fuck are you searching up the name of this website you little shit
“ dude urban dictionary sucks “
“ shut up bitch “
A dictionary that is written by any people, so it could be weird.
Hey, I written a Deffinition on Urban Dictionary!
A place where people make retarted words come to life.
Me: Types in oltos
Urban dictionary: 25 RESULTS ON THIS WORD