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Brown Halls

A variation of the slang “town halls” for balls.

When a human endowed with testicles wipes their arse from back to front and glazes their balls with a coating of shit.

Girl A: so did you lick his balls?
Girl B: I was going to but there’s no way I was going near those brown halls.

Girl A: wtf, the dirty bastard, he’s a forward wiper? !

by RichieNunez May 28, 2020

Father Brown

When someone pulls a "Father Brown", the person uses a really long, complicated explanation for a whodunnit murder, when they are the actual murderer.

Robert Wagner pulled a "Father Brown" for his side of the story for his wife's death.

by cosmic_banana December 18, 2020

Brown Rocket

It's pretty self explanatory… firing a rocket and coming out brown…

Pretty much when you fuck a butt hole and you pull out and you have shit on your dick.

Bruv, I gave that chick a hell of a brown rocket last night!

by Innapropriat-ness. September 24, 2015