It refers to a friend group that's so close or tight that they tend to or want to date people inside thier friend group regardless of their relationship status. Which could cause drama and unwanted history.
Person 1: Wanna hang out with them more?
Person 2: Nah bro they have that monkeys on an Island relationship.
Person 1: Monkeys on an Island?
Person 2: They tend to date people inside their friend group. I don't feel comfortable being apart of that.
A group of monkeys that are funny and are imposters.
You are not part of monkey squad.
A print monkey is guy/girl who runs and troubleshoots the large format printers, vinyl plotters, and other high price equipment in a creative setting.
Sean: This Roland Versacamm-640 can print 64 million colors, on any material, up to 64 inches wide, AND cut vinyl?!?? HOLY HELL!
Brad: Only a print monkey would get excited...
When a bitch you fucking starts howling cause the cock to much to handle and then you shove a hamster in her ass.
This slut was a howler monkey when I was fucking her.
"TheOatmeal" online comics
"That guy who calls a meeting to avoid doing actual work. He never shuts up, challenges every opinion and opens just about EVERYTHING up for debate. He thinks he's helping but he's really just mindlessly shrieking into the jungle"
Person 1: Shit we have a meeting today at five with that ass hole Jim
Person 2: Oh you mean that Howler Monkey?
Person 1: Yup
Person 2: FACK
This is an insult by every 3 year old when you don’t let them eat the shit in the toilet
Person 1: it’s mine!
Person 2: no it’s mine
Person 1: fudge you you monkey poop