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Canfield High School

A highschool in Canfield Ohio populated by mop headed athletes. This school specializes in producing pussies that live off of their mommy and daddies paychecks. Students at this school often drive $80,000k cars that was bought with daddies money. Canfield High School students often have very high egos and will put down anyone that is not as rich, popular or "successful" as them.

"Have you seen my new BMW it was like $90,000", "OMG, yea when are you going to bring it to Canfield High School?"

by Mr Flood January 17, 2023

Triton regional high school

Triton regional high school is the worst fuckimg school ever don’t send your kids there cus if you do they will turn into white trash bum ass wannabe ghetto fuck heads. Teachers suck kids suck everyone there sucks ASS MAJOR FUCK ALL OF YOU I HATE YOU CUNTS you all are gay as fuck bye

Oh you go to triton regional high school?

by Yourmomisgayaf December 12, 2019

South Euclid high school

Shit hole

If You go two South Euclid high school you are a piece of shit

by Meat sticker April 20, 2015

Mechanicsville "High" School


I'm so Mechanicsville "High" School right now

by Poppin pop May 19, 2021

kings high school

either consists of hot gays or foot ball players who bark at the hot gays, or horrible mullets. there is no in between
decent school, lots of passive aggressive staff
every other day bitches get caught for drugs, they even locked the bathroom doors open 💀

hey you go to kings high school?”

by deez nuts in ur moms mouth September 28, 2021

grovetown high school

one of the best schools in Columbia county- has some incredible teachers that are very supportive. most of the students are wonderful, kind individuals. a place that you definitely want to attend, or have your kids attend. ♥️

“Yo, did you hear about what that one student did at grovetown high school?”
“Nah, what happened?”
“dude, they lead the way like a fuckin warrior. i heard that they donated to the spooky to be hungry Drive last month and help put up posters for spreading kindness”
“Dude that’s awesome”

by babyflamingo November 24, 2019

franklinton junior high school

fjhs, is a school for 7th and 8th grade kids, it is full of drama,fights,and hot boys...grayson...lmao. fjhs is also a really good school that typically doesnt put up w/ bullying up but my time there they did bc they have favorites and are shitty

the school franklinton junior high school is a weird school

by tintinnnn February 2, 2022