Source Code

Nougar Nut

Semen that is like a creme

I just gave my girl some nougar nut last night.

by Muyguylikeabo September 24, 2020

poo nut baby

A person conceived from an anal creampie that ahd dribbled its way into the vagina causing pregnancy of said poonut baby

Justin you poo nut baby, we all know your mother took it in the ass and you're an accident"

by Thenigga_BigD December 13, 2017

Wing nutted

When someone keeps telling you stories about their son/daughters accomplishments or exploits

Did you hear Dave in work yesterday. Going on to everyone about his sons cricket team. We all got wing nutted.

by Hewhomustnotbenamed69 January 15, 2021

Nut butterflies

The term used when you are standing on the side of a tall building and you get flutters in yours nuts

A term used when you get butterflies from looking at a total babe

That Jenny totally gave me nut butterflies

by #troutout September 5, 2014

Nut butterfly

When spreading your nuts over a facial feature perhaps

Yeah man I gave your sister a nut butterfly last night

by #troutout September 5, 2014

Trojan Nut


Trojan Nut-When you've been cucking another man's girl hardcore and you're afraid you've gotten her pregnant, so you convince her to go have sex with her man unprotected so when and if the pregnancy comes up, you can argue it's not your kid

"Man I know you been fucking Steve's girl Raw, what if she turns up pregnant?"

"Naw man I'm way ahead of you, I made her go to steve a few times, if she comes up preggers, I'm gonna say it's not my kid."

by Biggest Chungus December 27, 2018

tinkle nut

An acorn in a bed of har is all your gonna see down there.

Chad pissed on his balls again! What a fucking tinkle nut.

by @therealthiccolascage December 17, 2022