Animal known to live in rainforests.
A black person.
A cute little monkey.
I hate that dark pigmented monkey.
Josh the monkey oh the little monkey that gets abused by girls. Wears lots of adidas. Cares about his hair but doesn’t take care of it. Like to watching the fucking same movie like 3 times. The kid who sleeps with pillows between his legs. The type of fatass that takes 2 steps and gets tired. Has a Spotify list that has over 4000 songs and albums and songs. Who likes tacos and cheeseburgers. Who goes to the movies like every fucking 3000 years.
Monkey ate all my chicken. Monkey saw Eduardo take 3 steps and destroy the world.
When you attempt to penetrate a woman's anus and she says: "Oh no you di'nt!"
I attempted to stick my penis in Felicias anus, when she suddenly closed her legs and scolded: "Oh no you di'nt!" That bitch gave me The Monkey Yo !