A white boy who says this has no penis and is a cheater
Or if a Black boy says this they're the son of who created it :
Deez Nut's Hahaha is a word of a gamer for some reason Deez nuts
A joke personally to troll friends, family or randoms online.
A well known meme.
Person 1: “Hey, do you know Candice?”
Person 2: “Who’s Candice?”
Deez nuts is an expression used to deliberately interrupt or divert a conversation. It is a rather figurative way to show disrespect towards the current topic of discussion. The phrase is often used as the punchline of a setup joke that involves asking someone a vaguely phrased question to solicit a follow-up question in response, typically in the form of one of the five Ws, before yelling out the said phrase in an obnoxious manner.
Me: Do you like parodies?
Victim: Yes
Me: Well, how would you like a pair of deez nuts in your mouth!?
the unfunniest joke
Guy 1: do u know the company DN?
Guy 2: no what is it about?
Guy 1: DEEZ NUTS!! lLOSLAOAOA a,q,q,11111,1,1,1,1,1.1.1’zoepaspal
Guy 2: please stop. this isn’t funny anymore. i know that ur dad is dead and ur having a hard time. im always here for u.
Guy 1: i got him good!
i got him good…. *depression!!!!!!*