To do someone's nuts, or in other words, a blowjob
Person 1: Guess what, I passed
Person 2: SLAYYYY
Person 1: How about you slay deez nuts
a Word Used by Holy_Hell to Express his Shocked State and/or confusion.
Holy Bah Gaggle Nuts,thats a lot of nuts!
Chewy Nuts , when going down on a nigger and his nuts become gummy excess water and raised lumpy spots
Joshua has the best chewy nuts
The nut jfk did in his mothers g-string
He then chucked the g-string into jacks pillow case and soon forgot about
Man’s about to buss out still mush
Yo did you here about jfks lost nut
Yeah I heard jack fucked his pillow last night
Kinda mad yk
When you a guy nuts so good his body shakes vigorously, or shudders, so to say.
"Man, she sucked me so good I had a damn shudder nut. I think she thought it was a seizure at first but we Gucci.
Dank Nuts is a company based in Czech republic or Czechia, which specializes on making donuts out of memes
Dank Nuts are pretty good!