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slay deez nuts

To do someone's nuts, or in other words, a blowjob

Person 1: Guess what, I passed
Person 2: SLAYYYY
Person 1: How about you slay deez nuts

by ThatNigeriasian July 23, 2023

Bah gaggle nuts

a Word Used by Holy_Hell to Express his Shocked State and/or confusion.

Holy Bah Gaggle Nuts,thats a lot of nuts!

by Holy_Hell July 26, 2006

chewy nuts

Chewy Nuts , when going down on a nigger and his nuts become gummy excess water and raised lumpy spots

Joshua has the best chewy nuts

by NutterButter06 January 18, 2021

Jfks lost nut

The nut jfk did in his mothers g-string

He then chucked the g-string into jacks pillow case and soon forgot about

Man’s about to buss out still mush

Yo did you here about jfks lost nut

Yeah I heard jack fucked his pillow last night

Kinda mad yk

by Dirty stinky Muslim December 6, 2021


It means what it says

That dude was like mmmhhhh nigga nuts

by Nut-Capital November 1, 2020

shudder nut

When you a guy nuts so good his body shakes vigorously, or shudders, so to say.

"Man, she sucked me so good I had a damn shudder nut. I think she thought it was a seizure at first but we Gucci.

by The1QueenBee August 30, 2017

Dank Nuts

Dank Nuts is a company based in Czech republic or Czechia, which specializes on making donuts out of memes

Dank Nuts are pretty good!

by chrispospa June 4, 2018