kuhnt phonetic spelling
kʌnt IPA spelling
1. The historical use of this word in the United States is simply a slang word used to describe the female genitalia in a more vulgar way. It can also be used to call a person this similar to how you would call someone a dick or an asshole.
2. The more nuanced meaning of using this label for a person as an insult is rather simple this is a person that:
C an't
U nderstand
N ormal
T hinking
A cunt is someone who is either so narcissistic, self-absorbed, or genuinely just ignorant of normal thought processing. This causes them to show up very poorly to those around them and sometimes is not something they are aware of at all. Once you realize this about a person you are able to navigate around them and their social idiocy with fewer incidents.
1. I can't believe your jerk of a boss fired you!! What a cunt!
2. He is such a narcissist! He doesn't even know how much of a cunt he is being when he says those horrible things!
3. I love my Mother-In-Law, but that woman can be such a cunt. Why doesn't she know how to load the dishwasher!? It really isn't that hard.
I grew up knowing this words meaning as Cant Understand Normal Thinking.
a derogatory term towards of the one in nature
Molly is such a cunt, she keeps asking people have to
1: One who causes extreme bitchyness to others for the sole reason of causing annoyance.
2: A name for a not very clean vagina. A place to be kicked.
3: A person who repetitively refuses to not do something
1: Jenna's Mom wont even respond to my text messages. what a fucking Cunt.
2: Ew, I'd rather kick than lick that nasty Cunt. *vomits*
3: What the ckuf, Dan keeps fucking missing practice, whatta Cunt.