Where you take a 12 pack in the shower and have to finish it before you can get out. 15 minute time limit. First thing I learned when I moved to Lubbock, Texas.
Example 1: "Bro take a red raider shower when you get home so you can meet up with us at Chimys"
Example 2: "Im going to take a red raider shower so I can sleep better"
Example 3: "Its game day, going to take a 5 minute red raider shower"
The outcome of mutually masturbating a female while she is menstruating. The residue that collects on your fingers appears like the popular licorice "Red Vines".
Did you catch the party last night? Fernando red vined Monique! Gross!
A girl or woman who instigates drama or who comes with unwanted problems/situations stemming from sexual relations or encounters with her. Mostly common with females who lack desired attention and inherited their mothers' negative attitudes toward men.
"Man dont be tryin to get some Red flag pussy next thing you know you're gettin' your house shot up because you fucked the wrong bitch."
When a woman, likely a porn star, is filmed (like Big Brother & the Osbournes Reality TV Shows) from conception to birth of a child to William Norman Janes, Jr. (A Native American descendant with Choctaw and Chippewa ancestry). Intentionally impregnated and the Father is there to raise the child.
I just watched season 4 of Bred Red. William was hilarious when he found out the latest female porn star is carrying twins.
a sentence that is used to describe something that's irrelevant to the topic
Everything you say is not the pussy not in the red army, mate!
In the popular “Life Series”, a player will have different objectives based on their lives. When on red life (the last), that person will commonly experience a sort of desperate bloodthirsty urge for chaos, destruction, and victory. Red Haze describes the -trance- a person is put in, making their actions unreliable and out of hand.
Grian: Joel literally has two hours left, and with the bad boys disbanded, he has been consumed by the red haze!
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This is an action during sex. This action requires both mates to stick each other’s big toe in the other mates anus ferociously until bleeding occurs. The blood is now used for lube for rough anal sex.
Red trothing is very fun