When you take a spoonful of coffee grounds and then chug a beer. Great way to start your day before hitting the slopes.
Are you boys ready for another Beer-DO?! (that's rhetorical, you can never say no to a Beer-DO
The act of faking a lisp in order to gain attention. The most common occurrences include not being able to pronounce the letter ‘s’.
1. Damn, she suddenly can’t pronounce the letter ‘s’- I ‘m sick of her doing an Elin!
2. Gosh, she’s got a lisp so bad that I can’t understand what she’s saying! - or is she just doing an Elin?
3. Speech therapy won’t work for her: she’s doing an Elin!
When one give a handjob to a mexican behind a circle K
Dude did you know that sarah was doing some dirty laundry with that guy next door last night
when people talk past tense about something that happen(s/ed) and repeat the word 'do' in a sentence and automatically you think of poop. if you just said do once the sentence would mean exactly the same thing and may even need fewer words but by adding a do to a do it makes the focus on poo which is a specific thing to do, do you think? so it's ok to giggle or laugh or offer a tissue when someone talks and says do do
i know you say you dont eat poop but you do do that -vs - i know you say you don't eat poop but you do
Something that is permitted/encouraged.
The opposite of a no-no.
Usually used in plural form (do-do's).
Here is a list of all the do-do's in the park:
1. Have fun
2. Respect your peers
3. Clean up after yourself
4. Etc