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poser bro

Not a true bro. Someone who acts like a bro and pretends to bro out, but in reality they are just posing. They remain sober and leave their boys hangin for unbrolike activities.

Why isn't David drinking? He's sober and being the biggest poser bro tonight.
Noah's left us hangin to be with his bitch again. What a poser bro.

by J-Boogie aka TruBro4Life December 14, 2010

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eco poser

Eco from the word Ecology, poser meaning one who tries to fit into a set idea or look for the pure esthetics, not truly believing in what they are doing or pretending to be.

An eco-poser is that person, we all know at least one, who buys all the eco-friendly non-toxic household products, organic local growns, hybrids and other 'green'ery. They really do not 'do' anything to help our earth, they just purchase over priced stuff from companies that try to help. So they wear the hemp and eat the organic, but do they actually take time out of there cell phone lives to give a helping hand? There lies the poser.

Ian was not an eco poser. The persistent permeation of French fries in his house was a dead give away.

Emma is such an eco poser dressed in her pseudo crunchie clothing, hanging out at starbucks, never using a togo cup.

by stacey ristuccia May 19, 2006

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Pedigree Poser

Someone who thinks they can buy themselves into a steroeotyped clique . (Buying Clothes/Jewelry/Plushs)

Girl 1 : Dude , look at the girl ..
Girl 2 : Yeah .. she's such a pedigree poser .
Girl 1 : What a wannabe ..

by smileyy-pikaaa January 20, 2010

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poser chad

Neck beard, basement dweller, that cosplays as a "Chad". Pretends to be a jock or hipster to hook up with the ladies. Is self deprecating and never had the correct verbiage for sports. Although he despises "Chads" he secretly envies them.

I went to Comic Con, and recognized the poser Chad, right off. He looked similar to a Chad, but couldn't get the girl.

by NerdGrrrl January 15, 2017

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poser shredding

when a poser shreds up his board on a ledge or a sidewalk to make it looks like he grinds

guy 1: is he testing out that sidewalk curb with his new board?

guy 2: naw man he is poser shredding

by atsxpw February 18, 2011

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art poser

usually a girl, but will not assume. Someone who thinks they are so artsy they have a VSCO and try their hardest to be vintage like their mom, which doesn’t work out. Bell bottoms are not coming back.

β€œYou see that girl? β€œ

β€œYea, she looks like an art poser. trying to hard to time travel to bell bottoms.”

by cringetoaster222 April 1, 2018

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offroad poser

One who has an off-road vehicle but dosent off-road the vehicle

Oh look he has a badass prerunner,

Yea but he is a offroad poser he doesn't drive it like it's suppost to

by jonny sequoita November 14, 2013

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