A boy from Fall River that says the n word even though they're purely caucasian. Someone called a Thomas Michael usually wears the same hoodie everyday, smells, and sounds congested 24/7. A Thomas Michael also has one black friend, so he doesn't know how to act.
"Dude it smells worse than Thomas Michael in here"
"You sound just like Thomas Michael when you're sick"
Is when when u whisper in a girls ear right before u nut and tell her ur spider senses are tingling and then u pull and bust all over her face
I travis thomas that chick last night.
That kid that sits in your english class that pairs up with usually a Ryan and call out obscene degrading names to girls. Hilarious, though.
"You called her a WHAT?!" Oh, man. You just pulled a Thomas Quinn.
Thomas is a mix of thomas and braun. The luckiest man on the planet. It is RARE to find a thomas braun, but once you find it, you'll never let him go. Thomas Braun is the kind of man you will want to have for the rest of your life, and if you do so, consider yourself the second luckiest of all. If you're searching this name, congrats, or you are one or you have one :)
You won't believe who I met Jessica.
I met a Thomas Braun.
no fucking way.
A neighbor hood in Muncie Indiana, also known as Thomas Park/ Avondale , is known by most local residence as shed town, alluding that historically most of the houses in the neighborhood were small and shack-like. The neighbor hood was home to the Muncie General Motors transmission plant until it closed in 2006 and was subsequently demolished leaving a roughly 60 acre fenced off concrete slab and can be used a symbol of the death of the manufacturing industry in Muncie and a symbol of urban decay and unemployment that has lead to the meth pandemic in Muncie and the rust belt in general.
Also, a public park in the Thomas Park/ Avondale Neighbor hood.
You: I live in Thomas Park
Friend: You live in the Park?
You : No, I live in the Thomas Park Neighborhood on 15th Street off of Port.
Friend: Oh you mean shed town.
A person who repels the entire female species. And is probaly hated by MOST people especially upperclassmen and btw kid gets noooo poon.
That kid gets no bitches his name must be Thomas flynn.
Really twitchy little kidd loves to talk about iPhone eleven pretty funny guy will 100% Make you laugh at him. some words associated with Thomas Kidd are apple, Tesla, google, forknight,
My moms shares in westjet, repetitive, and he loves his soys sauce hat.
Oh fuck guys here comes Thomas Kidd