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ship addict

a ship addict is someone who is obsessed with shipping people. Even if they are unshippable This person will come up with the most ridiculous ship EVER. Probably a 6th grade girl or an annoying girl.

Person 1:She shipped Emma and Shawn just because Emma helped Shawn with question 7.

Person 2: Yeah, she is such a ship addict
Ship Addict: I sHIp it!!!!!

by Socially awkward cat April 25, 2019

Roblox gambling addiction

Roblox is a online platform for kids. THIS place has become a fucking CASINO. Roblox is full of aura gambling games like aura rolls whatever shit. the AMAZINGAURAOVPOWEROHIOSIGMA:(MUTATED) like this shit is worse than skibidi syndrome and skibidi syndrome THAT SHIT IS BAD BROOOO. But officially Roblox has become a gambling site.

(Roblox Gambling Addiction) A gambling addiction to a childrens platform of young user base. Gambling is really bad but Roblox is allowing it because it is a money farm for roblox. SPIN THE ROLL BUTTON WIN THE AURA.


Addicted to the RUT

Severe addiction to hunting white tail deer. Often leads to bankruptcy,alcoholism, and a bunch of MOTHER FUCKERS!

I wish I was free this weekend but I’m addicted to the rut.

by That white 6.7 November 7, 2023

Microwave Addiction

The inability to eat food without microwaving it first, even if it's steaming hot already.

Guy: Man I can't stand the texture of some food after it's microwaved.

Guy 2: You should meet my dad! He doesn't eat without microwaving it first. He'll stand in the kitchen letting it hum until the food is about to melt through the plate.

Guy: So he's got a Microwave Addiction!

by JJDM123 August 22, 2022

Hep addict

Hep addict. - One who gets hepped up for no reason other than to feed their solitary testosterone addiction. Sometimes referred to as diabetes.

He’s a real Hep addict. Got his own internet show too. Has some technical people do it for him. Won’t quote him ‘cause he just likes to create sensation for his hep addiction.

by Mark Falconer September 9, 2018


Someone who is addicted with riding Amtrak trains and after riding them, wants to ride them again, often blowing their money for rides

“Bro, Did you hear, Justin is an Amtrak-Addict, every time he rides Amtrak, he wants to go again!”

by Crinicaldepressedchild October 30, 2021

Fishing Addiction

A fishing addiction is what it sounds like; a fishing addiction. Mostly played up for humor, it can be seen in many aspects and jokes on the internet. One such aspect is fishing culture itself, with humorous shirts that say "A best day is one spent fishing", or silly hats that say "Women want me, fish fear me". An example of the more serious side of this, the addiction side, is Grian.

"Grian, you need to stop. At this rate, you practically have a fishing addiction!"
"Just... need... mending!!"

by fishingrodfrenzy777 February 22, 2024