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Alpha Beta Bitch

A narcissist who acts overly aggressive and routinely threatens people with physical harm outside of the law.

Man, that bullies a real alpha beta bitch

by newspeak101 September 13, 2020

Lone-Alpha female

Unlike the main alpha female, she is alpha female except she does not care, she is tired with nonsense, she lives her own life, and does not care if his man are alpha or not. And, she tend get cold sometime.

Rachel is CEO, she is alpha female, but her husband is street artis and she is not really like to socialize with other female, but she is really nice person, people do like her but sometime she is like robot and sometime people tend to think she is ice queen... That My freinds is what we call the lone-alpha female.

by WurkingOnIt November 24, 2016

Alpha baddie queen

Jayden, Rebecca, Amber, Lauren, and Ava.

Ava is an Alpha Baddie Queen, because she goes through the front door not the back door.

by Jayden Velasquez February 7, 2022

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Team Alpha Douche

- Arm wrestling , jui jistu , power lifting, drinking, partying, gym rat, people who don't wear sleeves.
- being affiliated with Team Alpha Douche is a general synopsis that your an arrogant, self centered, vain, narcissistic, and generally psycho.

-Term "Bro" used by members of Team Alpha Douche to describe practically all humans and some non humans.

- " Those two bros over there are pack leaders of Team Alpha Douche".
- "See how I got that girl to like me, she is totally into me". gives hello TAD member a high- five . "Hell Yeah!. Team Alpha Douche!"

by Is it my day off yet? May 22, 2017

I'm the alpha of the omega

I'm The leader of the leaders, I'm boss of the boss, I'm the strongest of the strong, I'm the best of the best. I'm better then the God's, Bow to Zod

After winning a poker game, or a race, or a video game competition. I'm the alpha of the omega. bow to Zod.

by plumecb August 20, 2017

Bear alpha roblox

Yes bear alpha roblox is very good game beacuse there bear, sam that is fat for the leg, whitey that have hair cancer, and lagoon the rich kids

Example : Bear Alpha Roblox is good gam

by Sky not sky from fnf just sky July 21, 2021

Alpha Rho Chi

To organize and unite for the educational professional development purposes the students of architecture and the allied arts in the universities and colleges of america and the alumni members of this fraternity in order that this fraternity may promote the artistic scientific and practical proficiency for its membership and the profession.

I M Pei was a grand master of Alpha Rho Chi!

by I bleed Azure and Sanguine January 20, 2011

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