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blowing brains

1.) to ejaculate profusely. "Brains" referring to slang for testicles.

2.) Refers to the slaughterhouse process of removing the animal's brains with compressed air forced into the skull through the hole where the spinal cord enters. The brains are then packed and sent to markets in Korea and China as food. This term appeared in the February 4, 2008, Washington Post article titles, "Inhaling Pig Brains May Be Cause of New Illness."

"Last week I went for a massage and the girl had me blowing brains all over the place!"

by chodiramone February 7, 2008

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Pho Blow

The explosive wet blast released from the bowels after consuming a bowl of PHO. May also experience pho blow from many other forms of Vietnamese cuisine.

Generally starts within an hour with the gut rumbles immediately followed by an ass pinching, skipping like trotting run to the nearest shitter.

Where the hell are you going so fast. Pho blow Braaaahhh.

Carl left his meeting to go pho blow.

I didnโ€™t quite make it in time. Got a little flow back on the pho blow.

by Eaton Holgoode November 15, 2017

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Salad blow

When a girl eats your ass and another girl blows you at the same time.

I went to an orgy with my girlfriend and was blessed to have a salad blow.

by The Witty Coiner July 28, 2011

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Blow cod'n'ator

When a male is playing Call of duty, and his girlfriend(s), and/or female person(s) is giving him a blow job, while feeding him a Wendy's Bacconator

Use the picture in your mind a Blow cod'n'ator

by D-boi55 April 14, 2009

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blow a stack

Anger. The building pressure of intense and focused anger finally overcomes the best efforts of containment, repression, and self-control. Rage. The inevitable and imminent eruption of loosed anger is foreshadowed by purpling of the face, flaring of the nostrils, arteries bulging in the neck, and eyeballs popping out of the head. These symptoms indicate that someone is about blow a stack. It's what happened when a student shit in Mr. Sparaco's desk drawer (7th grade). It's best to leave immediately if one is on the business end of a blown stack, otherwise very entertaining to watch. Origin from the steam engine era, when a mistakenly capped chimney stack would finally rupture from pressure in the furnace.

Doug placed thumbtacks on the substitute teacher's chair, causing him to blow a stack when he sat down on them. I heard it from across the hallway!

by Bolton Outlaw January 19, 2008

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Bushmans Blow

Putting a finger over one nostril and exhaling violently through the other, letting whatever comes out land wherever it may fall. Generally done by drug pigs to prepare their nostril so as to be able snort other people's drugs.

That fucking drug pig almost stole my shit again but i heard her bushmans blow all over the carpet and managed to grab my plate in the nick of time.

by the24across February 17, 2010

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Blow Hickey

The polite term used for when asking a girl for oral sex or "head"

Max asked me to give him a blow hickey last night at the party....I wanted to say no, but he asked so nicely.

Baby...I just want a little blow hickey, Its nothing serious.

by MaxiPadBS March 6, 2011

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