The act of folding a woman up to make them look like a piece of popcorn, pouring caramel on their jugs, putting them in a barrel, and rolling them down a hill. Best done in the cold, to let the caramel harden and resemble a piece of Cracker-jack popcorn.
Gay man 1: I got so high off cat piss, I pulled off a Cracker-Jack Barrel Rack on this one dude.
Gay man 2: Yeah, that was me.
A meme very similar to cum jar but instead of a jar the container is a barrel.
This Phrase could be used as a war cry or an insult
war cry- Andres: CUMMMM BARRELLL!!!! (proceeds to die)
Insult- Bitch on the street: ugh look at this asshole he's such a cum barrel
Me a few weeks ago: wtf? did someone just call me a cum barrel
To play down an argument in your in-group in favour of focusing on dealing with an out-group
“Let’s keep the barrel side out , fight the enemy; not each other.”
First of all, they have a crazy ass barrel horse.
a girl who shows up late to the barrel race bc she got Starbucks, blares acdc in her Ford, and posts on insta every time her horse takes a shit bc "it's so cute"
In order to be a betty, u gotta kick ass in the barrel pen. I guarantee you're not as cool as this betty.
PS: Betty's are only into JACKED BADASS GUYS bc they are hot.
"If you dislike this, u are either a buckle bunny or a bull rider"
"Damn that berry barrel racer is hot af"
"Betty barrel racers win every rodeo they enter!!"
Men away from home have homosexual encounters in the barrel.
Stewie “it’s my turn turn for barrel fun, get over here big boys”
When you’re pegging your girl from behind and she pisses and shits on you at the same time.
My girl had to go to the bathroom but I made her fuck anyways which resulted in an unfortunate Texas double barrel misfire
When you’re pegging your girl from behind and she pisses and shits on you at the same time.
My girl had to go to the bathroom but we fucked anyways which resulted in an unfortunate Texas double barrel misfire.