Armani is better than all of you peasants
Armani is the best your a peasant
Cats are the best animals ever and better then humans and you all should bow to them
Hey dude cats are better then dogs
Agreed Cats are the best
4đź‘Ť 2đź‘Ž
best buy is a sexuality where someone will refuse to date a super straight,
(some know as best BI)
Person 1: you’re kinda cute wanna go out?
Person 2: whats your sexuality?
Person 1: Super straight.
Person 2: sorry im bi but im also best buy so i dont date super straights
Person 1: FU-
A huge electronics store with two employees on the floor who are not cashiers. The two employees will keep at least a 50 foot buffer between themselves and any customer at all times. They will studiously avoid eye contact. If you find the item you are looking for, it will always cost 10X as much as it does on amazon- that is in no way an exaggeration. If you foolishly decide to push on with your purchase, you will first have to navigate a 300 yard long single path labyrinth of garbage impulse buy items. Be sure to take a water bottle and use the restroom before entering. These items can range from the worst (yet still overpriced) generic usb cord ever made, to expired corn nuts. When you do make it to the cashier, you will be pressured relentlessly to purchase an “extended warranty” on whatever you are buying- even if it is just the aforementioned corn nuts. The intense pressure to purchase said warranty will be interminable. It will be worse than the “coffee is for closers” scene in Glen Gary Glen Ross. If you survive this, you will be given a 6 foot long receipt in case you need to “return” the item(s). Return is in quotes as it is purely hypothetical, No one in recorded history has ever succesfully returned an item to Best Buy.
Bob: Hey, where should we hang out tonight?
Sally: I was thinking either Best Buy or the sixth circle of Hell.
Bob: OK, Hell it is!
the exhiliration you feel after getting out of a shitty relationship.
Wow...the was the best dump i have ever had!
These are scientifically proven to be given by boys called micheal dowling and only boys called micheal dowling. (Note: it might be hard to get a hug from micheal dowling because he is the most handsome man alive)
Micheal dowling gives the best huggywuggy