Ninja Meerkats is a series of fictional books written by Gareth P. Jones and illustrated by Luke Finlayson and Domingos Aquino. The series began in 2011 and is still ongoing, with a ninth volume set to release mid-2013. The books are based on a group of four kung fu fighting meerkats, dubbed The Clan of the Scorpion, and their missions to foil the evil plans of their human enemy, the Ringmaster, and his minions.
The ninja meerkats will NinjaBoom, all over your face, because they are the scorpion clan!
A game when you are doing clan war or just chillin you get raided by some fucking Japanese characters.
1👍 1👎
A group of furries that identify themselves as cats, their leader is Lunar.
Person 1: "Hey check out these people I met on the internet"
Person 2: "That's the Cat Clan"
Sika clan (SK for short) is a clan Made by two TEENAGERS(SK Pik, SK Elite)who wanted to show that were not randoms and to SPRED FEER IN THE HARTS OF THEIR ENAMYS.
"Wow they have Sika Clan (sk) in front of their names were SCREWD."
Over 240 wins. People from around the world are in such as USA, Canada, and Sweden. People ask to join every day. You should join too. Just dm me on insta at Winston Lucky Ritch with your username.
Fortnite Red Clan is awesome. join
The best fortnite clan in the game. That has over 240 each. But a person that tried out is now salty that he did not make the clan
RED CLAN FORTNITE is the best dm me at mzocks.zocks with your gamer tag
The Glutan clan is a crew of bois(and girls) that can't eat gluten/bread, who joked about it until it because a group and meme and a definition on urban dictionary
That Guy's swaggin all over the place disrespecting the glutinis
He must be part of the glutan clan